Yours 2 Keep

By: Kay Hooper, Donna Kauffman, Michelle Martin, Marilyn Pappano, Jill Shalvis

Series: Bethlehem, Wizards

Star Rating:

Sensuality Rating:



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Your 2 Keep is an anthology of five romance novellas from both the alternate reality and contemporary sub-genres that have a theme centering around New Year's Eve of 1999 and the Y2K bug.

Arts Magica (Wizards #1.5) by Kay Hooper

Gabriel's Angel (Bethelem #3.5) by Marilyn Pappano

Stuck with You by Michelle Martin

Close Quarters by Donna Kauffman

Trouble at Midnight by Jill Shalvis


Arts Magica (Wizards #1.5) by Kay Hooper - Star Rating: ****1/2; Sensuality Rating: 2.5

Gabriel's Angel (Bethelem #3.5) by Marilyn Pappano - Star Rating: ****; Sensuality Rating: 1

Stuck with You by Michelle Martin - Star Rating: ****; Sensuality Rating: 3.5

Close Quarters by Donna Kauffman - Star Rating: **1/2; Sensuality Rating: 2.5

Trouble at Midnight by Jill Shalvis - Star Rating: ***1/2; Sensuality Rating: 2.5


Kay Hooper

Marilyn Pappano

Michelle Martin @ GoodReads

Donna Kauffman

Jill Shalvis


Beta Heroes
Friends Before Lovers
G/PG-Rated Romance
Geniuses, Scholars & Scientists aka Geeks - Heroes
Opposite Sides of the Track
Spiritual Stories