
As with many romance readers, there are certain themes in the genre that I find myself revisiting again and again, and if well-written, these books can become some of my favorites. With this in mind, I have created several theme lists using my favorite sub-plots, types of characters, or other distinguishing characteristics to group stories together.

Amazing Animals
Babies & Children
Beta Heroes
Bodyguard Heroes
Book Lovers
Christmas Stories
Doctors, Nurses, & Medical Professionals
Friends Before Lovers
G/PG-Rated Romance
Geniuses, Scholars & Scientists aka Geeks - Heroes
Geniuses, Scholars & Scientists aka Geeks - Heroines
Light Mystery
Medical Drama
Men in Uniform - Law Enforcement
Men in Uniform - Military
Opposite Sides of the Track
Physically Imperfect Heroes
Physically Imperfect Heroines
Physically Ordinary Heroes
Physically Ordinary Heroines
Pregnancy Stories
Psychology 101
Reunion Stories
Spiritual Stories
Tortured Heroes
Tortured Heroines
Virgin Heroes