
I freely admit that I have absolutely no artistic talent, but I do have an appreciation for the beauty of art. I really enjoy books in which the hero or heroine is an artist, so this list will highlight those characters whose artistic skills play a significant part in the story. If the opposite partner is the subject of their artistic endeavors, then I find it to be all the more romantic.

Always to Remember
Baby Album, The (Harlequin SuperRomance #1586)
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Bad Boys Next Exit
Bad Boys to Go
Beyond Desire
Breath of Snow and Ashes, A
Captives of the Night
Christmas Day Family
Colters' Lady
Country Guest House, The
Coyote Gorgeous
Dance with the Devil
Dead After Dark
Down London Road
Down London Road: Extra Scenes (2)
Dragonfly Moments
Dreams of Stardust
Duke by Default, A
Duke of Desire
Education of Mrs. Brimley, The
Fearless Love
Fool for Love
Gift, The
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone
Guilty Pleasures
Her Best Friend's Lover
Husband List, The
Irresistible Bachelor, An
Jingle Bell Rock
K Is for Karin
Kiss of Midnight
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage
Leopard Prince, The
Lord of Fire
Love at First Bite
Love for All Nights, A
Love in Bloom
Lover Enshrined
Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift, A
Meant to Be Married (Silhouette Special Edition #1194)
Merry Christmas, Baby
Midnight Confessions
Midnight Kiss
Midnight Surrender
Mister O
My False Heart
My Lord Jack
Nerd Gone Wild
Night Embrace
Night Falls Like Silk
One Night
Perfect Secret, A
Perfect Tenderfoot
Phantom's Rest
Prairie Embrace
Rafe's Redemption
Rainshadow Road
Return to Virgin River
Ride the Night Wind
Rio Grande Wedding (Silhouette Intimate Moments #964)
Scandalous Lord Dere
Secrets of a Perfect Night
Serpent Prince, The
Sex, Straight Up (Harlequin Blaze #388)
Simply Love
Sinful: Epilogue
Sleepless at Midnight
Story of Son, The
Summer at Conwenna Cove
Sweetest Scoundrel
To Love and to Cherish
Twelve Days
Very Sinful Valentine, A
Visions of Heat
Western Winter Wonderland, A (Harlequin Historical #867)
Wild and Willing (Harlequin Blaze #54)
Wild at Heart
Wild Man Creek
Wilde One, The
Wilder Wedding, The (Harlequin Historical #413)
You, Actually