Sensuality Rating
5 | 4½ | 4 | 3½ | 3 | 2½ | 2 | 1½ | 1 | ½ | 0
Baby Farm, The Boy Erased Bride in the Bargain, A Carly's Rule Catching Fire Chocolate Therapy Christmas Angel, A City of Glass Curse of the Pharaohs, The Darkfest Deefur and the Great Mistletoe Incident Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church, The Forever at Conwenna Cove Greatest Gift of All, The Host, The Insurgent Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Omnibus Volume One Jubilee Express, The Kiss and Tell Kiss Under the Mistletoe, A Kiss, The Last Call Last Resort Love Is in the Title Love on the Lifts Mockingjay Mrs. Miracle Nate's Anatomy New Moon Pancakes Perfect Fit, A Perfect Secret, A Ruthless Rake, The Season of Angels, A Silent Knight (Harlequin Historical #343) There's Always Chocolate! Through a Glass Darkly (Serenade Serenata #22) Twelve Days of Dash & Lily, The Two Suns in the Sky Winter's Kiss